Coming clean in the kitchen

The CookeryIt’s almost that time again. You may be thinking spring cleaning, which applies this time of year, but I’m focused on preparing to move. I’m running down pantry items and clearing cabinet clutter. Our time in Austin is coming to a close in June, and as we trim the household for our anticipated return to New York, it’s time to cut kitchen clutter and use what’s left in The Cookery reserves.

If I were as disciplined as my Virginia pal, Mary, I’d wipe down cabinet and pantry shelves every three months, and methodically rotate every spice bottle. Truth is, I’d fail Mary’s pantry test today, but there’s hope for next week. Moving or not, come clean with me in the kitchen this month. Recycle old kitchen tools, use up ingredients nearing their expiration dates, and break bread with someone.




Chowder for the Wolf at the Door

When 10 pounds of potatoes and a couple dozen ears of corn show up unannounced, welcome them home to the chowder pot. After transforming our

Apple Soup Sendoff

Farewells bring on mingled emotions. Some signal “goodbyes” and others “so longs,” with hopes to stay connected even over long distances. When the time came

Peppered Corn Meal

Preparing the perfect polenta sounds easy enough, but around my kitchen, it takes added patience to work with the grainy flour ground from white or