Cookery crumbs

We’ve nibbled away at the last of the crumbs in our Austin kitchen, and made the final meals with few tools. Refrigeration deserves more credit than it receives, and if you have access to clean water (not to mention filtered), count your blessings. A well-working refrigerator, decent sink and clean water, and a cooking/heat source all help in sustaining healthy habits. I miss these essentials already, but appreciate the friends and family along the way who are providing fresh water to rinse the veggies.

‘Round New York, Eileen’s Abby made this list of the top 52. So grab your coffee and give her a toast!




Chowder for the Wolf at the Door

When 10 pounds of potatoes and a couple dozen ears of corn show up unannounced, welcome them home to the chowder pot. After transforming our

Apple Soup Sendoff

Farewells bring on mingled emotions. Some signal “goodbyes” and others “so longs,” with hopes to stay connected even over long distances. When the time came

Peppered Corn Meal

Preparing the perfect polenta sounds easy enough, but around my kitchen, it takes added patience to work with the grainy flour ground from white or