Frequently asked question . . .

Ice Cold

Summer temperatures arrived a few weeks ago, and the kids seem to have finished up the school year. Technically, they still have one more school day in Austin, but little academic challenge remains on the school clock. Already, I’m hearing that frequently asked question . . .

“Mom, can we buy our own snow cone machine?”

This question comes up every summer, and as much as I love the occasional serving of shaved ice dripping with cherry/blueberry/grape syrup, making them at home would spoil the fun of enjoying them around town. Plus, this somehow reminds me of the counter intelligence I garnered as a teenager while working summers at Dairy Queen–ice cream, frozen treats, and sugary drinks stick with you in more ways than one. We’re kicking off the summer – in moderation – and after we’ve cooled off with flavored drippings of ice, we won’t need to wipe down the snow cone machine.




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