Give it up for Gazpacho


Want to add a dash of hot flavor to your cold soup?  Blend these ingredients for a simple gazpacho. This is my own twist on a summer favorite.  The kids love it when we break out the blender.  One, two, three, liquefy!


16 ounces vine ripened cherry tomatoes

1 medium cucumber

1 small sweet red pepper

½ sweet onion

3 cloves garlic

Two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon fresh French tarragon

Juice from half lemon

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (Don’t let the kids measure this –

a little goes a long way.)

½ teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons tomato paste

4 ounces tomato sauce

8 ounces water

6 tablespoons fresh cilantro


Peel cucumber if desired.  I don’t peel them. Dice all ingredients.  Reserve fresh cilantro for serving time.  Puree (yes, we do press the “liquefy” button) all ingredients.  Transfer to storage bowl (I use a ceramic bowl) and refrigerate for two-three hours.


Spoon gazpacho into serving bowls and garnish with chopped cilantro.  Serves six. 








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