New Year Wishes and Dishes

Best wishes in 2011, Cookery companions.

I hope the closing weeks of 2010 found you around the table with friends and family. We celebrated the final stretch of 2010 with hot tamales in Texas, and started the new year with mountain roast coffee in Colorado. It’s time to flip the switch back on at our own Cookery, and there’s some major restocking in order.

Have you checked your spice inventory lately? Some of my spices have lost their zest, and I’ve started to rotate those expired flavors out of the pantry. My launch into new year wishes and dishes begins with a racy Cambodian Lemongrass Curry, discovered on the shelves at Savory Spice Shop in Austin.  It may sound on the high side to drop $6.25 for a 2-ounce bottle, but the kicky blend delivers. If you’re anywhere near W. 6th Street in Austin, stop in and give it a taste.

Peace in your new year. Here’s to food on the table for all who hunger.




Chowder for the Wolf at the Door

When 10 pounds of potatoes and a couple dozen ears of corn show up unannounced, welcome them home to the chowder pot. After transforming our

Apple Soup Sendoff

Farewells bring on mingled emotions. Some signal “goodbyes” and others “so longs,” with hopes to stay connected even over long distances. When the time came

Peppered Corn Meal

Preparing the perfect polenta sounds easy enough, but around my kitchen, it takes added patience to work with the grainy flour ground from white or