Chicken Cumin . . . just add garlic

Prep and enjoy this chicken dish in under 20 minutes. With garlic and olive oil on hand, you’re nearly done. 4 boneless breasts of chicken, rinsed and cut in strips 3 cloves garlic, diced 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon ground cumin salt and pepper 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped Coat bottom of large pan with […]

Celebrity chefs inspire with dates

Jack and Annie dropped by the cookery this weekend. These two children’s literature characters are always cooking up curiosity with young readers. Mary Pope Osborne planted the seed for our next cookery adventure with dates. In her Magic Tree House series #34, “Season of the Sandstorms,” Jack and Annie shake the delicate fruit from date palm trees in the desert. […]