Big on Beans
With his standard limit of one daily cup, Charles Day would rather skip coffee than drink it stale. The Cold Spring resident has tasted his way to faultless flavor not simply by sipping through a procession of espressos or lattes but by perfecting beans before the first pour. Day started home-roasting coffee beans soon after […]
Urgent coffee break – Serious in Syria
Coffee holds a place of honor in some cultures, and The Cookery appreciates a flavorful cup of Arabic coffee. Make this coffee on the stove top, tune out the day’s noise, and tune in to serious matters. There must be countless ways to brew the perfect cup of coffee, but this is not that cup. […]
Grounds for Change-sample this fair trade organic coffee
The message came across clearly when I received this parcel of Fair Trade coffee from one among you. Thank you, friend! The Grounds for Change Fair Trade organic coffee helps support fair trade economics and wakes up the household with a bold selection of brews. Sample the Grounds for Change coffees for gift ideas, fundraising […]
Drink to Fair Trade Month in October
Supporting Fair Trade sounds simple, but picking up a convenient alternative takes me off track. October is Fair Trade Month, and I’m working my way back to stocking Fair Trade coffee. Want to join the cause? Take a look at these easy avenues to support Fair Trade . . . . starting with a cup […]
Austin drips fairest church coffee
It seems as if this city–somewhere–produces worthwhile food and beverage every day. This may sting a few church coffee grinders, but it’s no secret that church coffee rarely draws high praises from Sunday crowds. But the coffee poured today at St. Catherine’s (fair trade, freshly ground, just dripped, smokin’ hot in a ceramic mug) beats any church […]
Bookmark This Coffee Break: World Fair Trade Day
Here’s a day to count down to on your calendar: Saturday, May 10 . . . World Fair Trade Day. If you live anywhere near New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley, head on over to Women’s Work from 2-6:00 p.m. at 66 Main Street in Cold Spring. Cecilia and her Fair Trade fellows will be hosting a coffee break, helping to raise […]
Carrot soup=dinner
The temperature’s hovering right around 18 degrees F. Hot coffee is the choice beverage. Carrot soup’s on the menu, too. Soup + bread + cheese=dinner. We’re warming up around this cookery!