Confined Confection

For the past few weeks, it feels as if I’ve been camping out in my own kitchen. To acclimate a four-legged family member to our home, we gated off and puppy-proofed that room. We may come to regret the kitchen location, but it seems to make sense for the baby who needs easy access when […]
World Culture Across the Table
Leonora Burton of The Country Goose in Cold Spring brought her own tastes from Wales to New York’s Hudson Valley, but she caters to a wide range of food preferences. Find your world market and explore culture through cooking.
Packin’ up the chuck box
Welcome to The Cookery, a space to digest life, explore food and keep it real, to read, and to write. I’m writing from another new kitchen, and our family has made the way from Texas to New York. After packing up May 31, we bounced around the country and lived out of suitcases for four […]
No-recipe recipe for one hot dish
This no-recipe recipe transforms potatoes into a great hot dish. And as Mama often says, “Honey – There is no recipe!” Hot German Potato Salad . . . just boil some taters (6-8) with the jackets on . . . cool enough to hold and remove skins . . . and slice them into a […]
Cookery crumbs
We’ve nibbled away at the last of the crumbs in our Austin kitchen, and made the final meals with few tools. Refrigeration deserves more credit than it receives, and if you have access to clean water (not to mention filtered), count your blessings. A well-working refrigerator, decent sink and clean water, and a cooking/heat source all help in sustaining healthy […]
Veggies glazed over
What’s left in this pantry? Not much, and I’m making use of the final “please pick me” ingredients that won’t be making the move with us. With a little olive oil and brown sugar, glaze your favorite vegetables. Here’s a fresh dish to polish off the last of the brown sugar. Veggies glazed over Yield: […]
Get prepped for Food Allergy Awareness Week
Around The Cookery, Food Allergy Awareness Week is every week of the year, and the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network works around the clock to raise awareness of food allergies. FAAN ramps up awareness efforts next week when it dedicates May 8-14 to increasing efforts to help educate communities on food allergies and life threatening conditions. If you live with food allergies or care for […]
Coming clean in the kitchen
It’s almost that time again. You may be thinking spring cleaning, which applies this time of year, but I’m focused on preparing to move. I’m running down pantry items and clearing cabinet clutter. Our time in Austin is coming to a close in June, and as we trim the household for our anticipated return to New York, […]
Dumplings on my doorstep
We’re guilty of polishing off heaping servings of potstickers and Chinese dumplings. Can you guess where these beautiful potstickers came from? Neighbors, yes, and they were made from scratch (no pre-made wraps in their household) and delivered to our Austin doorstep. Beyond delicious! If you want to create Chinese dumplings or potstickers, drop by Metrocurean with resident food temptress […]
Bento Box filled with healthy fun for one
Yum-Yum Bento Box How long does it take to fix a school lunch? For the experienced parent, good at keeping chips or the equivalent, fruit and veggies, a sandwich and a treat, maybe two minutes. That’s unless the peanut butter has separated or the jelly cowers at the unreachable bottom of the jar. It’s a […]