Main cookie attraction

Sharing a cookie is about the most simplistic way to pass on a serving of sweetness. Satisfy your own little craving, say thanks, or let a certain someone know you’re sweet on them with the help of a cookie. Surprise the receiver (that could be yourself) with a new cookie of sorts. Here are three […]

Cookie tips for the marathon baker

We’re warming up the oven for some marathon cookie baking this week, and if you’re up to baking, check out this gift of baking tips from Jane Manaster . . .  two traditional tips to try when mixing cookies by hand. 1. When you are mixing cookies, or any other recipe in a large bowl […]

Get Bakin’ with the Food Allergy Cookie Contest

Dust off those cookie recipes, food allergy friends. There’s still time to enter the FAANtastic Divvies Cookie Contest. Enter your allergy friendly recipe – no peanuts, tree nuts, milk or eggs – by February 15, 2010. Browse the fine print in FAAN’s cookie contest guidelines and share your best bet with those of us managing food allergies.

Craft these sweet treats

Family Fun featured this Treat of the Month in their August issue. Improvise with your pantry items, and kids can make their own fun decorating these under-the-sea treats. Go sweet . . . or savory – with crackers and cream cheese. The sugar splash in The Cookery turned out sweet Pearly Bites.

Ring in Cookie Season

It’s high season for cookie baking and the real treats often roll out in December. If you’re looking for an oatmeal-cranberry take on cookies, sample this recipe. Cookie cheers to Cookie Madness for exactness in preparation–fantastic batch served up in Austin! Drop by Cookie Madness and from there, skip on over to Oatmeal Cookie Guy’s […]