My man Hazi and his eggplant stew
In the mood for stew? I make this stew often, and when eggplant looks especially tempting (I couldn’t pass them up last weekend at the farmers’ market), this dish makes an appearance. I discovered this stew with a wonderful Arabic teacher in California, and posted this recipe a couple of years ago. Try Hazi’s Stew […]
Get stewed in the kitchen with Salon
Looking for a challenge to heat things up around the fireside? Meet the Salon Kitchen Challenge this week and blog your way through your worthiest stew. Blog your submissions with Salon by 10 a.m. January 18.
A hint of cinnamon
Eight degrees yesterday morning. Today: 14. Cinnamon, let me in. It just sounded warm . . . in my steamy fireside stew. (I’m imagining the hearth. That would have been picture perfect.) I laced this pot of stew with cinnamon, orange, garlic and ginger. Tonight’s version might just rotate around our table again next week. Check […]