Tricia Downing serves it up at Littleton’s Melting Pot tonight

It seems as if we all get the chance to learn from obstacles in some capacity, but some of us face greater challenges than others and overcome them with grace and success. Tricia Downing lives up to this reality. From bike racer to injured athlete to motivational speaker and physically challenged athlete, Trish shows us the possibilities of the human spirit. Among her many endeavors, Trish gives it all back in her efforts to help others. She launches her new book, Cycle of Hope: A Journey from Paralysis to Possibility, tonight at the Melting Pot in Littleton, Colorado. Trish’s Journey is on my summer reading book list. Read more about Tricia Downing.




Chowder for the Wolf at the Door

When 10 pounds of potatoes and a couple dozen ears of corn show up unannounced, welcome them home to the chowder pot. After transforming our

Apple Soup Sendoff

Farewells bring on mingled emotions. Some signal “goodbyes” and others “so longs,” with hopes to stay connected even over long distances. When the time came

Peppered Corn Meal

Preparing the perfect polenta sounds easy enough, but around my kitchen, it takes added patience to work with the grainy flour ground from white or